1. I ran across these look that I found quite facinating. They are dresses or long skirts or shirts, whatever you may like to call them, worn over pants. It looks quite new but actually how many women dress in the Near East. Fashion seems to be anticipating getting into a new market that spends a lot of money on clothes, but the clothes have to be wearable for them in their more restrictive world. Interesting, no? Our worlds are going to mesh more and more.
2. Lots of this black and white geometric look around. I kind of like it as too many colors and too many patterns don't really show you off as well.

3. I love this green coat from acne. This is the coat of coats for you if you haven't gotten a new coat yet. Shouldn't be too expensive either, from Acne.

4. This red look from Dior is of course a fortune but pretty easy to duplicate. A kind of of little belted sweater top over a full shiffon skirt. This is a great look, particularly in red.

5. For the men: there has to be some criticism that Daniel Craig's suits are too tight in the Bond flick "skyfall." I don't mind seeing thighs bulge against trousers, do you?
6. For everybody: Do you know about the new group One Direction from London? For the quite young but a lot of talk about them. It 's time we had some new cuties on the scene.
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