Monday, April 16, 2012

Not So Tit-illated

Dear David,
I recently had a sexual interlude with a man who had to have his nipples manipulated so constantly that it completely distracted me from having sex. I like him and can imagine seeing more of him but this nipple thing is new to me. What's your advice?
~Not So Tit-illated

Dear Not So,
People's bodies differ a lot. Some men are very turned on by nipple play, some are not. And there is all the in between. Your friend seems to be at the outer end of the spectrum. Here's my advice. I don't know exactly what you are doing sexually, but if you are behind him, it seems to me quite easy to just clamp on to those pectorals and go about your business. If not, how about a jolt of body lotion or vaseline so a little motion goes a long way? Or, if it's definitely front to front, slather on a lot of lotion and rub your chest on his. A lot. That should work. And he will never want to let you out of his life.

(Photo via

If anyone reading needs advice about love, sex, relationships, life, etc. (gay or straight), you just might find your question and answer posted here on Davids Gay Dish. Contact me today my darlings!

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